Witness Experiment

You see a person with suspicious actions and then you see him take a bag and run. The police then ask you to identify the robber. How effective is your memory in identifying the true criminal? During the witness experiment, we were able to challenge our mind by finding a picture and cutting the eyes, mouth, hair, and nose. Then with our group, we needed to mix our cut out pictures and like a puzzle, identify the criminal. This allowed us to test our memory and see if it was truly effective.

In a real case, it is really hard to get a good look at the criminal since they are initially trying to hide and running all at once. It is hard to identify a criminal this way and it is even more difficult when you are possibly running for your life as well. Therefore, the experiment proved that it could be possible to identify the criminal, if and only if, you have an accurate view of the criminal.


  1. Good job incorporating the reflection in the actual write-up itself. However, I wish I could see the pictures.

  2. Enjoyed the real life scenario of how this lab would take place!
